To celebrate #EngineersWeek, we had a chat with Alison Field - to find out why she decided to return to education, and to see what her progression plans are.
To celebrate #EngineersWeek, we had a chat with Alison Field - to find out why she decided to return to education, and to see what her progression plans are.
If you are celebrating #PancakeDay, try our simple and delicious recipe 😋
You can’t go wrong with a simple fudge. This two-tone valentine’s version, only requires four ingredients – so it couldn’t be simpler! ♥️
Gordon – Head Chef at Sodexo – is back with a lovely warming soup recipe, to keep you going through the cold days.
For this month’s Staff Spotlight, we caught up with Sport and Fitness Lecturer - Ollie James - who has worked at Perth College UHI for over a year now. His colleagues describe him as a very funny guy - who dresses up as a dinosaur for team meetings - as well as hard working, conscientious, and caring towards his students. Ollie gives us an insight into his job roles, and his particular dislike of cheese.
Our guest blogger - Claire Nelson, Perth College UHI Counsellor - writes:
So, we are well into January and, by now, our New Year’s resolutions may very well have been thrown out the window. We might have got ourselves into Christmas debt, the joys of Christmas Day are long gone, and it still seems like ages until January payday! Sound familiar? Oh, hello ‘Blue Monday’.
For this week’s student spotlight, we caught up with Lisa Oliver to find out why she decided to do an online course, alongside her part-time job.
Did you know, Friday 1st January is Commitment Day and Saturday 2nd January is Motivation/Inspiration Day? The New Year can be a really good opportunity to evaluate our lives. This year, more than ever.
2021. The year all events will (hopefully) happen - when it didn’t in 2020. The United Nations declared 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust, the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, and the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables.
Our Student Support Worker – Apryll - has been with Perth College UHI for over a year now and is so enthusiastic about her role, that we had to chat to her
Since 2003, 11 December has been International Mountain Day – a chance to celebrate mountains and create awareness about their importance to all of us.
To celebrate National Brownie Day (yes that’s a thing) we’ve put together a really simple brownie recipe for you to follow.
We are really pleased to have Domini Grant as our guest blogger this week. Domini is an Early Education and Childcare Lecturer at Perth College UHI, and wants to share her experience of being diagnosed with dyslexia at a later stage in life.
Hello! I am the new HISA Communications Intern, Will Derries. To ensure that HISA Perth are communicating with you - our students, as best they can - they have appointed me as the new Communications Intern.
You may not be able to visit our campus in person at the moment, but you still have a great opportunity to learn more about studying at Perth College UHI.
Did you know that you can study for a qualification at Perth College UHI through distance learning? This method of study allows you to learn without having to attend regular classes on campus – meaning you can study where and when you want. Whilst still working full-time, Susan Allan decided to do a course via this route, and proudly graduated this summer.
Due to COVID-19, there won’t be any organised bonfire night celebrations this year. If you’re looking for something tasty to enjoy inside instead, then why not try Parkin cake? A sticky cake containing a mix of oatmeal, ginger, treacle and syrup – that was traditionally eaten on bonfire night.
My name is Lianne Schemper, I am from Crieff and have been working at Perth College UHI Nursery for five years now.
Next week is the 24 October 2020. It’s a Saturday! That’s nice, right? You’ll get to enjoy the weekend – and, unless it’s somebody’s birthday, anniversary, or memorable day - the 24 October could just be another dreich day. Well, it’s actually a bright day - it’s ‘Make a Difference Day’! A day to celebrate you, us, them, we – everybody!