Bonfire Night Recipe - Parkin Cake

Bonfire Night Recipe - Parkin Cake

Due to COVID-19, there won’t be any organised bonfire night celebrations this year. If you’re looking for something tasty to enjoy inside instead, then why not try Parkin cake?  A sticky cake containing a mix of oatmeal, ginger, treacle and syrup – that was traditionally eaten on bonfire night.

Makes 16 squares
1-hour cooking time
Easy recipe


  • 1 medium egg, beaten

  • 100g treacle

  • 200g golden syrup

  • 200g self-raising flour

  • 100g dark brown sugar

  • 100g oatmeal

  • 100g butter (with some extra butter for greasing your tin)

  • 1 tablespoon of ground ginger

  • 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda

  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

  • 5-6 tablespoons of full fat milk


  1. Heat your oven to 160C

  2. Grease a deep square tin with butter, and then line with baking parchment paper

  3. Beat together the egg and milk

  4. Using a large pan: melt the golden syrup, treacle, sugar and butter - until the sugar has dissolved.

  5. Take the pan off the heat and allow to cool for a couple of minutes. Stir in the oatmeal, flour, ginger, bicarb of soda and cinnamon.

  6. Mix in the egg and milk until you get a batter consistency.

  7. Pour your finished mixture in to your prepared baking tin, and cook for 1 hour – checking your cake feels firm, with a crust on top.

  8. Let the cake cool in your baking tin, and then cut into pieces and store in an air tight tub. The longer you leave it, the softer and sticker the cake will become.

Alumni Spotlight - Susan Allan

Alumni Spotlight - Susan Allan

Staff Spotlight: Lianne Schemper, Nursery Manager

Staff Spotlight: Lianne Schemper, Nursery Manager