Blue Monday

Blue Monday

Our guest blogger - Claire Nelson, Perth College UHI Counsellor - writes:

So, we are well into January and, by now, our New Year’s resolutions may very well have been thrown out the window. We might have got ourselves into Christmas debt, the joys of Christmas Day are long gone, and it still seems like ages until January payday! Sound familiar? Oh, hello ‘Blue Monday’.

If we do find ourselves feeling low in mood, unmotivated, and in need of a pick-me-up - then we are here to offer you some suggestions of ways to get out of that slump!

Some helpful resources

  • Staff at Inverness College UHI have created a happiness webinar.

  • We have resources available through the library service, to support your mental and physical wellbeing.

Looking for some self-help? 

  • Look no further - we have created some content, including: podcasts, worksheets, a list of apps, and website that you may find of interest.

  • Togetherall is available for self help and support, 24/7.

New Year, New You?

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If you haven’t made any resolutions, then creating some can be a great way to set yourself some goals, help to motivate you and challenge you. Be realistic though, don’t set yourself unrealistic goals. That’s when we can become unmotivated, as they can be really hard to achieve. Keep your goals manageable, but something that can bring you outside of your comfort zone. That’s where growth is!

Top Tips for setting resolutions/goals for yourself

  1. Keep them realistic – As much as I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble of aiming for the moon, being realistic and keeping your goals within reach is key. 

  2. Plan ahead – What do you need to get those goals achieved? Is there prep that needs to be carried out?

  3. Review the situation – Do your goals seem to be moving further away from you?  A review may be needed - re-plan, re-assess, and start breaking down those goals into manageable chunks.

  4. Is there learning in this process? I hate the word failure! Are you learning what works, and what doesn’t? Great, you will learn though what doesn’t work, and what does.

  5. Reflect – If you’ve achieved those goals, that’s great. Are you happy and fulfilled with your achieved goals? Do you now have new ones you want to pursue?  If so, go to step 1.

Is there someone I can talk to from college if I need support?

Yes! Please see our webpage, with all of our current ways to support students.

Want to talk? 

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Here are some useful freephone helplines:

Try something new

Getting outside, and being in nature, is an amazing way to increase our physical and mental wellness. In Scotland, we have access to some spectacular walks. Why not challenge yourself to a new walk? Get your cosy clothes on, grab a flask of coffee or soup, and get ready to soak up any vitamin D that might be around!

The Academy of Sport and Wellbeing are delivering online classes. All FREE of charge to support members and wider community with options to support physical and mental health. Please see their most up-to-date timetable and follow their Facebook page to get involved.

We hope these tips help you avoid suffering from ‘Blue Monday’!

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Staff Spotlight - Ollie James

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