Student Spotlight - Alison Field

Student Spotlight - Alison Field

Returning to study can be daunting, but it can also be an amazing opportunity to change direction or career. At Perth College UHI, students can start from entry-level programmes - where no previous qualifications are required - and work their way up. This month’s student spotlight, is a great example of this. To celebrate #EngineersWeek, we had a chat with Alison Field - to find out why she decided to return to education, and to see what her progression plans are.

What course are you studying at Perth College UHI, and what year are you currently in?

NC Engineering Systems, and this is my first year.

What were you doing before you came to college?

Prior to this course, I was working in the travel industry – and, most recently, I was an Assistant Manager of a retail travel agency store. 


Why did you decide to pick this course?

I chose engineering as I am interested in learning about how things work, and I enjoy problem solving - which this subject involves. This course gave me a good basic understanding of engineering principles, before I move into more aviation specific engineering - which is my goal.

What is your favourite thing about this course?

I have enjoyed being back in a learning environment and having the opportunity to progress towards a new career path. I've also enjoyed the blended learning approach of being in the classroom and doing classes online from home.

Has there been any stand out/memorable moments from your course?

Before I started the course, I knew it was going to be difficult - especially having been out of school for years. While the subject is by no means the easiest, taking the step of signing up for the challenge and working through it has been quite memorable. And finding that I do have the ability, has been a great achievement.

What do you like about the campus?

It is located in Perth, which is a great location and easy to get to.

Have you enjoyed studying at Perth College UHI?

Yes, absolutely! All of the staff, and my instructors in particular, have all been really helpful and happy to offer advice where needed.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

My main interest is in aviation and currently I am working towards getting my private pilot license. I also help organise events for pilots around the UK; volunteer for 3 different aviation related charities/organisations; and enjoy outdoor adventure activities.

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What are your plans for after you finish your course?

I plan to progress into aircraft engineering, which is where my interests are, and gain employment within the aviation industry.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at Perth College UHI?

Learning something new is always a good use of your time, and why not work towards working within an industry you are truly interested in. Go for it!

There’s no better place to study engineering than in Scotland, with its rich legacy, tradition and engineering innovations through the ages, from steam engines to tarmac and feats such as the Forth Bridge and more recently the Queensferry Crossing. Be a part of this world-leading reputation of discovery and innovation, with Perth College UHI, and #ApplyNow for courses starting September 21.

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