Student Spotlight - Abrel Abebe

Student Spotlight - Abrel Abebe

Did you know that over 83,000 people are employed across Scotland’s digital and technology industries? Digital Technology is Scotland's fastest-growing sector for inward investment with centres of excellence for collaboration across cyber security, data, fintech, games, global business services, software and IT, space, and waste and wastewater technology. *

Our computing courses help you to develop the professional skills and experience for a career in this rapidly evolving sector. In this week’s blog, we meet a current student 👇

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Abrel Abebe, and I am from Perth.

What course are you studying at UHI Perth, and what year are you currently in?

I have just finished studying NQ Applied Computing. Last year, I completed NC Sound Production.

“NQ Applied Computing is a Level 6 course which will help you develop knowledge and skills in a variety of different foundation principles and technologies to build your computing career on. The course includes: ➕ 2D and 3D game design and development ➕ Computer programming using Python and C# ➕ Maintaining and refurbishing hardware and systems ➕ Networking, infrastructure, and cyber security.”

How did you hear about UHI Perth?

Through friends.

What were you doing before you came to UHI Perth?

I was playing piano at the church.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

It will allow me to meet my goals and interests in the future.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

We are living in world where everything is always changing in the technology realm and my course helps me to work and adapt for the future.

What knowledge, skills and experience have you gained from your course that will help you when you leave UHI Perth?

Building a PC; getting hands on experience; and I am now confident working with others.

Have your lecturers been supportive during your studies?

Yes, they have been supportive.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

Being awarded a Personal Endeavour Award at Prizegiving in 2023 for my NC Sound Production course.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

I like the gym at the Academy of Sport and Wellbeing.

“We have a range of Fitness Classes and our spacious gym rooms have a huge range of CV, fixed resistance, and free weight equipment. Our Climbing Centre has 31 roped climbing lines and a bouldering area offering over 150 climbs and we offer Personal Training programmes with nutrition support, lifestyle, exercise, and recovery to help you achieve your goals.”

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of your studies?

I am into my health and fitness.

What are your future career plans?

I would like to be a programmer.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at UHI Perth?

It is a huge opportunity to study at UHI Perth and it is a great experience to have in order to reach your goals.

Our doors are always open at UHI Perth ➕ #ApplyNow for September >>

* Source: Scottish Development International

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