Student Spotlight - Freya Donaldson

Student Spotlight - Freya Donaldson

The course offers me the freedom to study at home and is an amazing pathway to universities once completed.”

SWAP (Scottish Wider Access Programme) courses allow adults in Scotland the opportunity to return to education after a gap. Since 1989, SWAP programmes have paved the way for thousands of people to access degree study at universities in Scotland. If you are looking for a change of direction and need a flexible method of learning pathway to access degree level qualifications, our SWAP courses are for you. We chatted to Freya about her experience 👇

Can you introduce yourself?

My names Freya Donaldson and I’m from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.

What course are you studying at UHI Perth, and what year are you currently in?

I am doing the SWAP Access to Health and Life Sciences online course.

How did you hear about UHI Perth?

Online through the SWAP website. I was just seeing what was available and came across UHI Perth.

What were you doing before you came to UHI Perth?

I had taken time out of education due to my health, so was just working on making myself healthy enough to return to education and training my own assistance dog called Arlo.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

The course offers me the freedom to study at home and is an amazing pathway to universities once completed. It means I can still take care of my mind and body, while learning about my favourite subjects and working towards my dreams.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

The lecturers and the flexibility that comes with doing distance learning. The friendship I have made with another student on my course has also been life changing.

Has there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

Meeting Caitlin (the friend I’ve made whilst on the course) face to face for the practical week in January was pretty cool. And just meeting everyone in person after the first half of the year only knowing each other through screens. Our Personal Academic Tutor, Joe, also held a pizza night during that week which was good fun.

What knowledge, skills and experience have you gained from your course that will help you when you leave UHI Perth?

I have learned to be more independent with my learning, and to seek out support when I need it, without waiting till the last minute. I have developed an ability to communicate more effectively with lecturers, staff, and other students. Being a Student Voice Rep for my class has given me some independence and purpose.

Have your lecturers been supportive during your studies?

Yes, they have. Everyone will try their best to help you, whether it’s showing you what you need to do, offering a 1-1 study session or even just sending you in the right direction for additional resources.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

I have completed mental health ambassador training with The Lighthouse charity; I have been offered my dream place at university; and, most importantly, I have started to become more comfortable in my own skin.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

I have only seen two science classrooms, the canteen, and the disabled parking so I don’t think I’m the best person to comment. The trees lining the road up to the Brahan building are very pretty though.

Have you enjoyed studying at UHI Perth? Any highlights?

I have enjoyed my time studying, it has truly been life changing for me. It has opened doors for me that I never knew existed. Being a Student Voice Rep as well has given me a sense of belonging.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of your studies?

I have a keen interest in aircraft and have been a part of the air cadets for the past (almost) seven years. I have my assistance dog who I spend all my time with and am very passionate about the rights of assistance dog handlers and helping make more places (higher education establishments mainly) more accessible.

What are your future career plans?

I wish to do something brain related, either academic neuroscience research or possibly a consultant neurologist. I want to find a real treatment for my condition, IIH, and support others who are like me.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at UHI Perth?

Just go for it. The support staff are amazing, the lecturers are supportive and the community within the classroom is like nothing I’ve experienced. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by signing up for a course.

This innovative new Applied Health and Life Sciences course has been developed in response to the increased demand for adults looking for a more flexible method of learning and for those who may not be able to come to a college campus for study. Find out more about our Health and Social Care courses and #ApplyNow for September 2024.

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