Student Spotlight - Tashi and Nabin

Student Spotlight - Tashi and Nabin

Tourism and Hospitality are Scotland’s largest industries and attract visitors from across the globe. Whilst on a visit to Scotland from Nepal, Nabin visited UHI Perth to enquire about hospitality courses. Fast forward a few years and he has just finished his HND in Hospitality Management, alongside his fellow classmate, Tashi.  We had a chat with both students to hear how they have found studying internationally 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.

What is your name, and where are you from?

🗣️ Tashi Sherpa from Himalayas, Nepal.

🗣️ Nabin Khatiwada, originally from Nepal and currently living in Scotland.

You have just finished HND Hospitality Management. How did you hear about UHI Perth and why did you decide to pick this course?

🗣️ Tashi – I heard about the college through my friends when I was in Nepal in 2022. I have been extremely passionate about this industry since 2017, and I believe doing this course will help me to accomplish in this field by gaining more experience and knowledge.

🗣️ Nabin – I worked in hospitality in Nepal since 2015. I began at a young age and developed a great passion for the industry. When the pandemic happened, all of the businesses were closed in Nepal, and I had no job. Then one of my British friends offered me the opportunity to visit Scotland and fortunately we came to Perth. We visited UHI Perth and enquired about the courses they have, and they mentioned their Hospitality Management course. I had a tour of the college, and it really excited me to have the opportunity to gain knowledge and explore the hospitality of Scotland.

What were you doing before you came to UHI Perth?

🗣️ Tashi – I was working in a small hospitality business in Nepal.

🗣️ Nabin – I used to work in a hospitality organisation in Nepal.

What is your favorite thing about the course?

🗣️ Tashi – Honestly, there are several favorite things about the course. However, if I must pick only one, then I will go with the opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge and develop essential skills which help me to pursue my dreams in this industry.

🗣️ Nabin – My favourite thing about the course is the in–depth knowledge about each area of the Hospitality industry, and the method of delivering the course to the students, with a positive effect on my learning and career.

Have there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

🗣️ Tashi – There are many memorable moments from my course - the practical day, the educational tour to London, and laughing with my classmates!

🗣️ Nabin – There has been many memorable moments, or to be honest the whole experience of studying has given me great memories and learnings! To mention some: the educational tour to London; organising our own themed event, which was a good base to develop myself in; visits to The Gleneagles Hotel and Andrew Fairlie’s organic garden.

What knowledge, skills and experience have you gained from your course that will help you when you leave UHI Perth?

🗣️ Tashi – The first thing in my mind is that I have developed myself which is the most essential part in my career. I know how to talk and deal with people, whereas before I was very shy! I gained most of the precious skills, knowledge, and experience throughout my year at UHI Perth - which helps me to pursue my dreams in this industry.

Have you undertaken a placement or work experience whilst at UHI Perth?

🗣️ Tashi – Yes, I did work placement at Murrayshall Country Estate, which boosted my energy and knowledge in this industry.

🗣️ Nabin – Yes, I also did a placement at Murrayshall and I was in multiple departments which was very useful for understanding the importance of how different departments operate across a hospitality organisation.

Have your lecturers been supportive during your studies?

🗣️ Tashi – Honestly, they are my second parents here in Scotland. They are very supportive even with personal problems and issues.

Tashi with UHI Perth lecturer, Shirley Simpson

🗣️ Nabin – I have had huge support from the lecturers during every point of my studies.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

🗣️ Tashi – The campus has several choices and facilities - library, sports halls, and so on. I like the library where you can progress your knowledges and skills.

🗣️ Nabin – There are multiple facilities which has been very useful to inspire my creativity. The library has been very useful for research purposes and sports activities are also very easy to access.

Have you enjoyed studying at UHI Perth? Any highlights?

🗣️ Tashi – Initially it was very difficult period for me, however, right now, I am making the most out of the best time of my life.

🗣️ Nabin – Yes definitely, it's been a wonderful opportunity to develop myself and my career within the hospitality industry.

How have you found Scotland compared to Nepal?

🗣️ Tashi – I feel glad that I choose Scotland as the people are friendly and helpful, which is similar to Nepal. Geographically, it is bit like Nepal – the only the difference is we have high hills and mountains whereas Scotland has low hills and mountains.

🗣️ Nabin – It is obviously different than Nepal. If we compare the education system and opportunities, then Scotland has been a far better place for me personally. But geographically and weather wise, I will say Nepal is the more suitable place for me, but I think I am adapting well. In some aspects, Scotland has helped me to create a better version of myself.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of your studies?

🗣️ Tashi – I like to do film making and videography in my spare time. I love to play the guitar and piano and also spend time drawing, walking, cycling and playing football and table tennis.

🗣️ Nabin- Yes, I have various hobbies - chess, which I love to play at any time! I also love to play guitar and sing. A recent hobby I have developed is videography. Sport-wise, I love to play cricket, cycle, and exploring nature. I like learning new things, discovering my new hobbies and communicating with new people.

You are progressed on to the third year of the BA Hospitality Management course in September 2024. To help fund your studies, you set off on a 147-mile cycle from UHI Perth to Ben Nevis over a 7-day period. How did the “Pedal to Progress” idea come about and how did you get on during the cycle?

🗣️ Tashi - Where there is a will, there will definitely be a way! Recently, I completed my course, however, I wanted to continue with further study.  I can work and save money as other people do but I want to approach different things to support my education. So, my colleague and I decided to cycle for a week in order to support our further education by organising a cycling campaign and summiting the highest UK peak! I believe education is the key to unlocking every opportunity in the future.

🗣️ Nabin – I give credit to the college for the idea because last year they took us to HIT Scotland conferences, and I heard how they did a cycling campaign to raise fund for the scholarship. I raised this idea to Tashi that if they can, then why can’t we?  At this point, I realised we can find motivation within us if we have the will, and we started making the plan.

The reason we choose cycling is we thought we must do something different, and something that can help us to support our study as well. We had a strong will to study further and develop ourselves and the long highlands routes and mountain allowed us to demonstrate our determination towards our study and willingness to achieve something and be someone who is always moving towards progress.

Using a sustainable idea to explore adventure and nature, the trip was amazing and created great memories.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at UHI Perth?

🗣️ Tashi – Be mindful of what you want to achieve and accomplish in the future. Stay focused, and passionate.

🗣️ Nabin – Dream big and stay focused in the dream because UHI Perth can help you achieve what you want from life.

If you would like to find out more about our Hospitality and Food Studies courses, come along to our next Open Day on Saturday 26 October 2024 from 10am-2pm. Our friendly staff will be on hand to discuss course opportunities for 2025.

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