Student Spotlight - Grace Carson

Student Spotlight - Grace Carson

In this week’s blog, we meet a Sport and Fitness student who has just finished her degree. Ahead of our BSc Sport and Fitness Taster Day in June, Grace talks us through her experience of studying in Perth 👇

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Grace Carson, and I am originally from Thurso - Scotland’s most northly mainland town.

What course are you studying at Perth College UHI?

I have just completed my BSc (Hons) in Sport and Fitness. I play and coach both netball and cricket and I am currently beginning to pick back up highland dancing - a hobby I have done since the age of 3. My time at university began by doing my HNC and HND in sports coaching, where I then progressed onto the degree course.

How did you hear about Perth College UHI and why did you pick this course?

I had heard of UHI as the North Highland College is based in Thurso. To be honest, it wasn’t somewhere I ever thought I would study. However, after coming to the open day down in Perth (after a visit to another institution), my mind was completely swayed.  I had only planned to stay one year and complete my HNC to help me get into PE teaching, but after a year of great learning, meeting lots of new people and great course content and lecturing, I wanted to stay.

I can honestly say that coming to Perth College UHI to complete my degree has been the best choice I could have made. Not only has the support and knowledge from the department been valuable, but my experience as a student has been only positive. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic, the lecturers went above and beyond to deliver the best learning experience for us. Due to the nature of the lectures, and continual one to one support, I have always felt important - not just a number in a lecture hall.  The lecturers always made us feel like we were important, and I have made friends for life.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

There were many things I favoured about the Sport and Fitness course. Firstly, the one-to-one support that was available all year round. Throughout the four years, everyone in the class development a great relationship with the staff and other classmates. Due to this, my overall learning experience was enhanced. Furthermore, the opportunities for placements, volunteering and organising events was endless. I was always aware that other institutions did not deliver a lot of practical in their sporting course.  However, thanks to the amazing facilities and contacts Perth College UHI have, I was given many opportunities to enhance my coaching skillset in a practical setting. This included weekly sessions with a local primary school as part of our HNC and HND.

Has there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

A highlight of my time at Perth College UHI was planning a disability sport event for local children as part of my HND. Being able to offer and deliver a successful day of Boccia for these children is something I will always look back on as an achievement.

What are your future career plans?

After an amazing four years at university, my plans are to complete my PDGE in PE teaching. Currently I am in the final stages of starting an Active Schools job. If I could give anyone thinking of studying at Perth College UHI any advice, I would simply say, do it!!  You will not get the same opportunities, experience, knowledge or one to one university experience anywhere else.

If Grace has inspired you to study for a degree in Sport and Fitness, come along to our Taster Day on Wed 1 June 2022 to get a genuine taste of our department, facilities and equipment.

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