Staff Spotlight - Rebekka Findlay

Staff Spotlight - Rebekka Findlay

For this week’s Staff Spotlight, we get to know Rebekka from the Sport and Fitness department.

What is your role at Perth College UHI?

I’m a Lecturer in Sport and Fitness. I teach across most programmes - mainly NQ Sports Studies and Sport and Fitness, as well as HN coaching, fitness and dissertation supervision.

What’s the best part of your job?

I enjoy lots about my job. Perth College UHI has amazing staff and students, which makes coming to work so enjoyable (and it doesn’t feel like work). I enjoy being able to help students achieve their goals and aspirations, whatever they may be!

What might people be surprised to know about you?

I have a phobia of spiders … and I’ve had my research published.

Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I’ve played badminton since I was 8 years old and trained/competed with the National team for 7 years, including the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. I still play, but just for fun now and to keep fit. I generally enjoy anything fitness related, and I also love to bake too.

Favourite type of food?

I’m such a foodie, and love all food. I generally eat well, but I always need a treat (cake/chocolate) with my cuppa! I also love Asian food - I usually choose Japanese, or Thai, when I’m eating out.

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Favourite holiday destination, and why?

Barbados – it was the most relaxing place I have ever been.

Where would you like to go, when it is safe to travel again?

Taiwan. I travelled here for work years ago, and absolutely loved it for so many reasons (beautiful country, super friendly, and the best food I have ever eaten). I didn’t get to see as much as I’d hoped, so I’d love to go back on holiday to explore more.

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Have you been reading any good books?

No books, I’ve been reading the BASES magazines over lockdown.

Favourite TV show or film?

Friends and Harry Potter – they are just as good every time you watch them!

Have you been watching any good tv shows/films?

I’ve just started watching SAS: Who Dares Wins, I’m always totally fascinated by it. I also always watch Great British Bake Off – I love it!

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?

To fly, or be invisible – I can never decide which one.

First thing you would do if you won £1 million?

Take my family on holiday, probably back to Barbados!

Who, or what, inspires you?

The people around me, especially my family and friends.

Happiest memory?

Too many! Getting selected to play at Commonwealth Games. It was a long qualification with lots of blood, sweat and tears - so the phone call to say we had made it, was a huge mixture of happy emotions. And, also, playing my matches at the Games. Having all my family and friends together to watch me compete in the biggest event of my sporting career, in front of a home crowd, was really special (as well as slightly terrifying)!

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And most embarrassing?

Walking into a glass door…

And finally, if someone is interested in studying Sport and Fitness at Perth College UHI, what would your advice be to them?

Go for it! Speak to the staff and students, ask questions, and if it’s right for you, grab any opportunities that come your way – it’s the best place to be! (even if I’m a little biased) 😊

Applications for our Sport and Fitness courses are still open, but places are filling up fast. #ApplyNow and #FindYourFutureHere ➡️

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