Staff Spotlight - Sarah-Jane Urquhart

Staff Spotlight - Sarah-Jane Urquhart

For this week’s staff spotlight, we catch up with a member of the Business Team - to find out more about her, and to see how she is getting on during lockdown.

Tell us about yourself?

I am Sarah-Jane Urquhart. I’m originally from South Manchester, but moved to Dundee about 30 years ago. I worked as a chef in a 4-star hotel owned by the Hilton group - The V&A is now built where the hotel was – and I started working at Perth College UHI almost 20 years ago.

What is your role at Perth College UHI?

I work in the Business Team, engaging with local employers to promote and encourage work-based learning. We deliver Modern Apprenticeships within 7 sectors: Construction - Joinery, Plumbing and Electrical; Automotive; Business, Admin and Customer Services; Engineering; Hospitality; Hairdressing; and Social Services and Healthcare. When I started at Perth College UHI, I was a work-based assessor for Hospitality – a great job, as I visited lots of different hospitality establishments supporting staff to gain the SVQ linked to their job.  I also line-manage the WEEE Centre – a recycling centre for IT equipment. If you have been busy over the lockdown cleaning out your bedroom, house, flat, loft or garage - drop off any redundant IT equipment to us (once we are open) for reusing or recycling. Check out the link for what we accept - and please remove passwords, and include wires and plugs 😊

What’s the best part of your job?

Every day is different. I could be in a school talking about Modern Apprenticeships, and the next step of someone’s career, and then next I could be talking to training manager of a local business suggesting way to offer training to upskill the staff. It’s also really nice to watch candidates achieve their certificates and move up the career ladder.

What might people be surprised to know about you?

I enjoy horse riding. And, within the last 15 months, I started attending a yoga class at the ASW – I couldn’t touch my toes before that!

Favourite type of food?

Probably Italian. I love the flavours.

Have you been cooking or baking anything nice during lockdown?

I have actually kept a list of all the lockdown meals I have made for the family. Something different each night, and then we have a random ‘left over’ night to empty the fridge! The list includes: slow cooker pork with Chinese five spice; baked salmon; chicken and mushrooms; home-made fries; egg fried rice dishes; meatballs and pasta; beef stroganoff; and fish cakes!

Favourite holiday destination?

Has to be Vegas 😊 That place is AMAZING – but I would settle anywhere hot, sunny and with a lovely beach!

Where would you like to go when lockdown is over and it is safe to travel again?

Would have to be to see my Mum in Manchester.

Favourite book?

The Harry Potter books are fantastic, but one book I remember from school - some time ago - was George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

Have you been reading any good books?

Currently reading Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce.

Favourite TV show?

At the moment, Killing Eve and Line of Duty. For a comedy, it has to be Gavin and Stacey.

What TV shows have you been watching?

Everything and anything. A few movies – some good, some rubbish. We watched Contagion last week – worth watching, and it’s so true to what’s happening today. I think Netflix has become my best friend!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A chef, and I did exactly that!

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?

To read people’s minds - to work out what they actually are trying to say!

First thing you would do if you won £1 million?

Replace my silly kitchen sink, and get someone to jazz the garden up. Then a long hot sunny trip away to work out how to spend the rest of the money.

Who, or what, inspires you?

Not sure if it inspires me, but certainly helps make the day a better one - blue sky and sunshine!

What is the best advice you have ever received, and who did it come from?

An old boss. Make sure everyone knows about the good achievements, and keep the not so good ones to yourself. 😊

Happiest memory?

I have lots. Family holidays and adventures, and having fun.

And most embarrassing?

My bashed-up car going to my husbands work to be repaired. I took out a signpost on the estate I live on…!

What else have you been doing during lockdown to keep busy?

Plenty of walking, I’ve been out most days covering about 6k.  Jigsaw puzzles, reading, cleaning out cupboards - I think I could open my own charity shop - and thinking about the next lockdown meal.

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