Student Spotlight - Josephine Tidser

Student Spotlight - Josephine Tidser

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has a requirement for all managers, operation managers, deputy managers, supervisors of care services, and new business residential care supervisors and deputies to have a Care Services Leadership and Management SVQ4 qualification. At UHI Perth, our course provides a good basis for managing a care service and supports individuals to undertake management responsibility. The course is work-based, so you can continue working whilst undertaking your studies, and this is exactly what Josephine did 👇

Can you introduce yourself?

Josephine Tidser, Manager/Director at Oban Community Carers.

What qualification did you complete with UHI Perth?

Care Services Leadership and Management.

Why did you decide to gain this qualification through UHI Perth?

I did not have a good experience with a local university when doing a previous course.

How did you hear about the course?


Completing a qualification and working full time can be difficult to juggle – can you describe any challenges you have faced and how you managed to overcome them?

It was difficult at times - I had things going on at home, work was super busy, and I had course work to complete. I managed to overcome them by planning my day and prioritising my workload.

How have you found the style of teaching and the support you have received from your trainer, employer, and assessor?

The style of teaching and support from my tutor made it a positive and memorable experience.  I never felt under pressure, my tutor was understanding of my job and the demands this had on me.  

Has there been any standout/memorable moments?

When I completed the course!

How do you feel your qualification will help you in your career progression? What are your career goals and plans?

It has given me so much knowledge which has helped in every aspect of my management role.

Do you have any hobbies or other interests, outside of your work?

I have two horses and a dog; I am either out horse riding or walking the dog.

Anything else you feel like telling us about your experience?

A very positive experience and glad I chose UHI Perth to do my course.

And finally, what advice would you give to anyone thinking about doing a similar qualification with UHI Perth?

Do it! I highly recommend UHI Perth to everyone and as an employer we will continue to use UHI Perth for all our staff who have to obtain their qualifications.

If you would like to find out more about our Health and Social Care courses, visit our website for more information. Learn more at UHI Perth.

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