Student Spotlight - Vicky Miller

Student Spotlight - Vicky Miller

If you’re looking to gain an excellent introduction to a wide range of business and management skills, then studying at UHI Perth can help you achieve this.

The diverse nature of the HND Business course will ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge to start your own business, undertake a variety of business-related job roles or progress onto further studies.

The flexibility of courses on offer at UHI Perth allowed a student from Wick to continue her studies from HNC to HND. She chats to us about her experience after transferring from UHI North Highland 👇

What is your name, and where are you from?

Vicky Miller from Wick, Caithness.

What course are you studying at UHI Perth, and what year are you currently in?

HND Business, 2nd year.

How did you hear about UHI Perth?

I completed the HNC Business through UHI North Highland. They did not offer the HND course and Perth did, therefore I transferred to UHI Perth.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I was not sure if I wanted to commit to the Business degree with working full-time in the family sweet shop and having two young children to look after. I decided that the HND would be the best option to continue my studies and keep the option of continuing onto the Degree available.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

I like that all the classes are available online and are recorded so can be watched at any point. The learning resources are very detailed which makes an enormous difference when completing the assessments and the lecturers are extremely helpful.

Has there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

Passing my classes without any remediation has been very memorable. During my HNC, I required remediation for at least 90% of my assessments. I feel the improvement is partly due to being more aware of what is required in assessments but mainly due to the support and assistance received from the lecturers.

What knowledge, skills and experience have you gained from your course that will help you when you leave UHI Perth?

In order to study, run a home and continue in full-time employment, I have become adept at time management both for myself and my family. The range in age of my classmates has made me appreciate the breadth of knowledge and opinions people hold. Human Resource Management has made me realise that little things can affect employee’s morale which then has a bigger knock-on effect to the organisations daily running. This has made me be more vigilant when it comes to the employees in our family-run business.

Have your lecturers been supportive during your studies?

The lecturers are extremely supportive. I complete some of the classes on a self-study basis with Cheryl Hewitt as my tutor and have found her to be extremely approachable and helpful and she responds very quickly whenever I have a query.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

I have become confident in discussing business matters in general.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

I haven’t been on campus, but I do like the online library which makes it easy to borrow books and read them online.

Have you enjoyed studying at UHI Perth? Any highlights?

I have thoroughly enjoyed studying at UHI Perth and if I do decide to continue my studies, I will be remaining with UHI Perth. One of the highlights is the friends I have made over the course. The class is made up from school leavers to retirees from many different parts of Scotland and many of us have become friends who can be depended on when needing help with the course.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

Between working full-time, college and my two girls I have very little time for hobbies but I do enjoy running when I can find the time. I find it peaceful and a great way to destress.

What are your future career plans?

I plan to stay at the family business, which I will take over one day. My HND Business will help greatly when that day does finally come.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at UHI Perth?

If you are unsure, speak to the course PAT. I was very unsure about applying but after a conversation with Scott Innes, I realised that the course was the right choice for my home situation. With Scott’s guidance, I was able to pick the correct classes and then with the class lectures support I was able to thrive in those classes. Everyone I have encountered in UHI Perth has been very friendly and welcoming.

Applications are OPEN for this September. Find out more about our business courses >>

If you would like to speak to our staff about your options before applying, come along to one of our Open Days.

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