Student Spotlight - Adriana Brinza

Student Spotlight - Adriana Brinza

In this ambiguous global economy, our Business and Management degree enables students to not only consider business holistically but also undertake complex problem solving; effectively communicating those decisions to a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.

After working in hospitality, Adriana decided to apply to UHI Perth to gain skills and knowledge to start a successful career.

What is your name, and where are you from?

My name is Adriana Brinza and I am from Moldova.

What course are you studying at UHI Perth, and what year are you currently in?

I am studying Business and Management BA year 3. I have started NQ Business course in 2018 then HND Business Management and looking forward to Business Management BA (Hons) next year.

How did you hear about UHI Perth?

I heard about UHI Perth from my friends who I met in the first year I came to Scotland, in 2016.

What were you doing before you came to college?

I was working in hospitality.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I wanted to possess skills that would help me to succeed in a business environment. I was looking for tools that would help me to plan, run and operate a business. I wanted to gain competencies across different business functions as management, marketing, finance, organisational behaviour and choose a path that is most relevant to my skills in order to start a successful career.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

The favourite thing about the course is that I can apply the knowledge I gain directly into the workplace. The skills set I possess is transferable which makes me a valuable asset to any organisation, and I gain strong business knowledge that are desirable by employers.

Has there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

Receiving feedback from my lecturers after I complete assessments, receiving grade A for my HND course and already having A grade for degree subjects. Every moment is memorable starting with induction day and the moment when you submit just 10 minutes before the 11pm deadline! Another special moment was when my computer did not work the night, I had to submit my assessment and I had to email my PAT Scott Innes and my lecturer to tell them that I was having a technical issue to submit my assessment. I received the right guidance and support to not fail my deadline.

Have you undertaken a placement or work experience whilst at UHI Perth?

Unfortunately, I lost a chance as it didn’t happen because of Covid-19. I meant to do some hours of marketing in the Marketing department in UHI Perth when I was studying NQ Business. I am still interested to take that lost opportunity.

Have your lecturers been supportive during your studies?

I have always been supported during my studies. Every lecturer has made a great input in order for me to progress. I was encouraged and helped when I needed. They have always gone above and beyond what was expected from them to do. They were also very compassionate and understanding when their help is needed.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

I obtained grade A for the HND course, progressed in my career as a manager, and am happy to apply the knowledge I already possess from my studies.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

It is very welcome. The feeling of being at home, it’s warm, clean and well-organised. There is easy access to the library, canteen, gym and IT-support.

Have you enjoyed studying at UHI Perth? Any highlights?

I have very much enjoyed it, and I would not change anything from my journey as everything has been unique and had a great input on my job experience and the person I am at the moment.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

I like going to the gym, cinema, opera, reading bibliographies, meeting friends and outdoor activities.

What are your future career plans?

I would love to follow marketing pathways as it keeps me right and helps me to develop my skills. I would also like to have my own business - one which helps other businesses to flourish. 

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at UHI Perth?

Studying at UHI Perth is a great opportunity to gain knowledge in a practical way. All the subjects are relevant to the real world. Lecturers will always keep you right. You will never be left alone to struggle with assessments or deadlines. 

Applications are OPEN for September. Find out more about the Business and Accounting courses at UHI Perth >>

If you would like to speak to our staff about your options before applying, come along to one of our Open Days.

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