Student Spotlight - Rebeka Campbell

Student Spotlight - Rebeka Campbell

I never thought I would make it to university, as my grades at school weren’t the best, but my hard work and determination were enough for me.”

This week we chat to Sport and Fitness student, Rebeka, to hear how her career plans changed due to the pandemic - and why she went on to follow her passion for sports, instead.

What is your name, and where are you from?

Rebeka - I’m 22, and from Carnoustie

What course are you studying at Perth College UHI, and what year are you currently in?

BSc (Hons) Sport and Fitness. I’ve just passed first year.

What were you doing before you came to college?

I was a Modern Apprentice and gained my SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People). I was successful in gaining a role as a kid’s rep with TUI and was due to head out for summer last year but, due to the pandemic, things didn’t go to plan.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I have always had a passion for sports since I was young - doing numerous sports such as: swimming, dancing and football. I wanted to study this degree, as I wanted to gain more knowledge and understanding around how the sporting industry works - and to gain the underpinning knowledge to enable me to have a successful career in the industry.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

Learning the different coaching techniques in our module - Introduction to Sports Coaching and Leadership - was really interesting for first year because, as a coach myself, this was great to have new and fresh ideas to bring to my club and try out.

During the pandemic, how did the style of teaching change? Were your lecturers supportive during this time?

All our classes were online for two days a week. The lecturers were great and so supportive and made sure the classes covered content that was needed. They were always an email away, if we needed anything.

Has there been any stand out/memorable moments from your course?

As we haven’t been in campus, we have had so many laughs over webex and this made our classes so fun and enjoyable despite our class being small in numbers.

You are one of the Sport and Fitness Ambassadors. Can you tell us a bit about how this came about, and what your role is?

I was told by my PAT that the Sports Ambassador roles were becoming available and, as someone who agrees so strongly about being included in sports and participating, I knew this seemed the role for me. After having an interview, I was successful and became one of two for the Perth campus. My role right now is to find out what clubs are available and what could maybe be added to the timetable to encourage students to come along. As we have been in the pandemic, it’s been difficult to do online sporting events due to people’s other commitments. However, when we come back to campus soon we will be looking to do more on-campus and promoting sports and fitness.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

I have gained my 1.2 children’s coaching certificate in football and gaining new experiences every week with my club Dryburgh Athletic Community Club - by helping with numerous squads throughout the week and attending matches. I also recently landed a job with David Lloyd’s, as part of the kids’ team.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

I haven’t been on campus yet, but can’t wait to use all the facilities soon.

Have you enjoyed studying at Perth College UHI?

Yes, it’s been great and I can’t wait to get in and meet everyone.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

I coach football four days a week, including attending a match, and also train twice a week doing women’s recreational sessions. I enjoy watching swimming championships - as I used to compete - and before Covid, I attended football games. I am a big lover of concerts, and attend over five a year, and have travelled as far as Milan to see a band perform.

What are your plans, for after you finish your course?

I would love to get into a football club and find a job within the football industry, as it’s a big passion of mine.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at Perth College UHI?

My advice would be, go for it. I never thought I would make it to university, as my grades at school weren’t the best, but my hard work and determination were enough for me. Go with your heart and find a course you will truly enjoy and learn from. And most of all - have fun and speak to as many people as you can - and get involved with everything.

It’s not too late to begin something positive in 2021! With courses starting in September, studying at Perth College UHI gives you the perfect opportunity towards securing a successful future. With the positive signs of recovery from Covid, and the easing of restrictions, we're delighted to be preparing for welcoming our new and returning students after the summer. Find a course to suit you, and #ApplyNow as places are filling up fast ➡️ #ItsYourTime

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