Student Spotlight - Mkay Krause

Student Spotlight - Mkay Krause

Hear from our Music Business Student, Mkay Krause, who is studying at Perth College UHI as part of our exchange programme with the Pop Academy in Mannheim, Germany.

At Perth College UHI, we deliver our BA (Hons) Music Business course as part of this exchange programme and we're proactive in developing international relationships - which give our students the opportunity to study abroad, whilst also allowing overseas students the opportunity to come and study with us. The students who spend a semester with us bring a different perspective to the class, share ideas and help us build up those international networks - which is a really exciting part of the course.

What were you doing before you came to college?

I was studying in Germany, because this is just a semester abroad, and before that I did my A levels in Germany, along with freelance booking and tour management.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I'm working with a band that's located in Glasgow and I do the booking and tour management for them in Germany. I always found the British music market very interesting, so I thought - why not just get the insights from the source!

What has it been like to come and study in Scotland?

It was a bit scary to be fair - because obviously English is not my first language, and I was worried about that - but the whole team has been great, and I really enjoy it here.

What is the difference between studying in Germany vs Scotland?

I'd say Germany has a lot more rules and restrictions you need to follow as a student. I was in uni from 9am to 4pm each day and obviously here it's a lot freer and I get to have a lot more free time and do my own stuff while studying.

What is your favourite thing about the course?  

I think that it's so practical that we actually get to do stuff, and we get industry professionals coming in to do guest lectures.

Has there been any stand out/memorable moments from your course? 

I think the first day for me was pretty memorable, just because it was the first day at college in Scotland and meeting Andrew and Rik, they were very kind and helpful.

What do you like about the campus?

I like that it's so big and there's like a lot of greenery around, because we don't have that in Germany at my uni. I also like that you can just come up to any staff and ask them questions and they always help.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

Well, I obviously do booking and tour management freelance, and besides that, I go to gigs and check out the local music scene mostly.

What are your plans for after you finish your course?

After I'm done with my course, I'm probably going to do some internships and then I might apply for a master's degree in music business, or I might just start working straight away.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying in Scotland?

I'd say do it but think you might need a car because that was something I did not realise - that the public transport system is either expensive, or not that reliable. But otherwise, yeah just go for it. The staff are nice, and they'll help you out if you have any issues - just email them or talk to them and yeah, just do it!

We offer a range of courses from SCQF Levels 5 - 11 within Music and Music Business, from National Certificate to Master’s degree.

We talk to employers locally and nationally to ensure that all our courses provide the most current knowledge and skills required in the workplace. Our courses have a practical foundation and students can expect to be developing and applying their new skills from day one. Highly experienced and enthusiastic staff work to support students to achieve their full potential and gain the best possible educational experience within the department.

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