Alumni Spotlight - Katie Guthrie

Alumni Spotlight - Katie Guthrie

“From feeling like a failure as a uni drop-out, to receiving a distinction in a degree that I have loved five years later, has been the most incredible feeling and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

In this week’s blog, we chat to one of our 2021 Music Business graduates about her time at Perth College UHI and we find out what direction her career has taken since graduating.

Can you introduce yourself?

I’m Katie Guthrie and I am from Edinburgh

What course did you study at Perth College UHI?

I studied Music Business at Perth College UHI, completing in 2021 with a degree.

How did you hear about Perth College UHI?

I had heard about Perth from Edinburgh College.

What were you doing before you came to Perth College UHI?

I was studying Music Business HND at Edinburgh College, Milton Road.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

It felt like a good next step and natural progression. I had heard good things from friends I have who had studied at Perth, before myself. I had taken a year out between the HND and going into third year at Perth, I think this really helped me focus and excel in my studies.

What was your favourite thing about the course?

Oh, this is a hard question as there was so much I enjoyed about the course! This probably seems like a really geeky answer, but I really enjoyed the course content. It was different from what I had previously learnt as I got to hear about other global markets, conduct my own research project, and got a much deeper look at sync in the music industry - which is where music is put to picture i.e., to film, tv, adverts.

Were there any standout/memorable moments from your course?

This year we got to put on live streamed events due to lockdown and restrictions, which is something I wouldn’t have considered doing unless we were under these circumstances. It was a nice way to interact with people and feel a sense of community whilst we couldn’t go out and experience live music for ourselves. Each week of the streams was also really nice for me on a personal note, as I was able to sit down with my family and show them what I had been working on.

The streams were in aid of Music Venue Trust, to be able to give back to an important charity was a great feeling. I think working on this project helped strengthen friendships I had made on the course, as it was tricky at first due to the fact I was joining in their third year together and it was online so I didn’t get to meet these people face to face. When the streams were a success, that just made everything so much better.

What knowledge, skills and experience did you gain from your course that have helped you since leaving Perth College UHI?

I think a huge skill that I had gained was learning to adapt to a situation. For our event management module, our plans had changed 2 or 3 times - at short notice - and we had to look at what the best options were and make decisions on what to do quite quickly. This has helped when looking to put on events etc in the future as I know that I am able to face a challenge head on, instead of getting consumed in the panic of what am I going to do now.

Learning how to use website building platforms has also been really useful.

What did you think about the styles of teaching, and the support you received from staff?

As I have mentioned before, the teaching was online. I felt the lecturers did their absolute best to ensure that this was an optimum learning environment. The staff at Perth are all very supportive, happy to offer feedback and help you improve.

What did you like about the campus?

Unfortunately, I don’t know! I didn’t go into campus at all due to covid and studied online!

Were there any other achievements you gained, on your journey?

The streams that I had mentioned before were charity events for Music Venue Trust so to be able to raise £50 for a vital charity in the industry was a huge achievement.

I was really proud of doing my research project which looks at mental health at popular live events in Scotland. This is a topic that I am really passionate about and believe hasn’t been looked into enough. I took on a lot of my own primary research whilst doing my research project, which included a mix of interviews and surveys. Conducting the interviews with industry professionals not only gained me new contacts but helped me develop my confidence.

I think for me the biggest achievement was getting my degree with a distinction. When I decided to take the year out from studying, I was not sure if I would return to my studies as I had been feeling really burnt out. My path through further education hasn’t been traditional or a straight through road. When I left high school, I had entered into a degree and within a few months I realised that it wasn’t for me and I had dropped out of university, at that time I felt like I wouldn’t get a degree ever. Then the month after I left, I did a short course on employability in the music industry at the Academy of Music and Sound in Edinburgh and soon realised that this is exactly what I want to be doing which led me onto my two-year HND course in Music Business at Edinburgh College and then eventually onto the BA at Perth College UHI. Even when I had my year out between my studies, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get my degree. From feeling like a failure as a uni drop-out, to receiving a distinction in a degree that I have loved five years later, has been the most incredible feeling and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

What have you been up to since graduation? Are you currently employed?

I have just got my own radio show on EHFM called Good Soup where I promote upcoming Scottish music, which has been a lot of fun! It’s not been long since I have graduated from Perth College UHI, so I am sure that this is only just the beginning and that a lot of opportunities will come up in the future.

Do you feel your studies have helped you with your career?

Absolutely! What I have learnt studying Music Business has built a solid foundation for me when looking at jobs, having a degree really helps when applying for jobs also. Doing the course has made me a more confident individual, which goes a long way when starting your career path.

What are your future career plans?

I would love a job in the music industry, I would be beyond happy in so many jobs that involve music business, but it would be a dream come true to work in some form of music industry marketing or live events.

Where can we follow your work?

I have a promotions company – Underground Sounds which can be found here and my new radio show, Good Soup, on EHFM which can be found here.

Did you enjoy studying at Perth College UHI? Any highlights?

Yes, I did! Highlights include putting on four successful live stream events, making friends for life even through online learning and my graduation.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at Perth College UHI?

I would, just absolutely go for it! The lecturers will be behind you 100% of the way and are there to encourage and support you. If you feel like you are struggling, or need help with anything, your lecturers will be there for you to help.

Our dynamic Music Business course will provide you with the experience and knowledge to gain a career in the music business. You will benefit from real opportunities, experienced and dedicated staff, and strong industry links. Studying at one of the best equipped facilities in Scotland, you will be prepared for working in various sectors of the music industries. Find your future at Perth College UHI and apply for a place in September 2022.

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