Alumni Spotlight - Lesley Dunbar

Alumni Spotlight - Lesley Dunbar

It’s never too late to change the direction your life is going in. This year, especially, has got more people wondering if they should change jobs, retrain, or even return to education. We caught up with former student, Lesley, to hear about her return to study as a mature student.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I live just outside of Perth. I have a husband, Scott; two grown sons; and a seven and a half year old German Shepherd, Rudi.

What course did you study at Perth College UHI?

I studied the BA in Child and Youth Studies, via online/distance learning.

How did you hear about Perth College UHI?

I knew about Perth College UHI, and the variety of courses and degrees offered, through my work  at a local secondary school - as well as it being a permanent fixture in Perth, where I have lived for most of my life.

What did you do before you came to Perth College UHI?

I spent over 16 years working in a local secondary school and managed to reduce my full time post to part time, which allowed me to dedicated two full days - plus weekends - to complete this course.

Why did you pick this course?

I picked this course as I have always been interested in child and youth development, and the nurture versus nature debate. It was also ideal as I could combine working and learning at the same time. I was also interested in social care, psychology and sociology - topics which were a focus in this degree. This allowed me to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the subjects, which then piqued my interests in another profession - social work.

How did you find returning to education as a mature student? 

When I was considering returning to education, I was a bit nervous as I felt my age may be against me. After attending interview etc though, that was no longer an issue as I realised that students were 16-60 years and at all stages in their learning or working lives - no-one batted an eye!  After the interview and induction days, I really don’t think I ever thought about it again.  "You're never too old" is very accurate saying.

What was your favourite thing about this course?

I think the best thing about the course was the flexibility in how and when we could learn. As it was an online taught degree, the resources were released at the beginning of the week. The online "blackboards" were set up to deliver the reading materials with help and support from the tutors, over each week. Lecturers were always just an email away and, very often, live on the blackboard forums too.

What did you think about the styles of teaching, and the support you received from staff?

I feel the staff were supportive and knowledgeable. They were also very reassuring and patient, which was good in my case especially as I had not been part of a formal learning environment since I left school - which was quite a few years ago!

Did you enjoy studying at Perth College UHI?

I really enjoyed my four years at Perth College UHI. It was challenging, but also personally rewarding.

When did you graduate?

I graduated in October 2019, after completing my degree in May.

What have you been up to since Graduation?

I graduated with a 2:1 honour’s degree. This enabled me to enrol with the University of Dundee in September 2019, to start my two-years Master’s degree in Social Work. I start year two in 3 weeks’ time - and all going well - will qualify in May 2021.

What is the best advice you have received and who did it come from? 

"Keep going”, “believe in yourself, and “you CAN do it" are stock phrases I kept hearing and telling myself. No idea who coined the phrases but for me, they were, and are, still very appropriate.

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

As a child, I wanted to be a nurse or a hairdresser. Then during late teenage years, a social worker. Umpteen years later, and I'm almost there!

If you were a superhero, what type of powers would you have? 

I'm not sure about what super powers I would have if I were a super hero, but having a magic wand would be a great start.

And finally, would you recommend the course to prospective students?    

I would recommend Perth College UHI as a place to study. Although my route may be slightly different (online learning and a mature student) I feel it gave me and my family more flexibility and control over the four years. I must also say though, that you must have a certain degree of self-motivation and determination. The materials and support are there for you, but it is up to you to ensure you set dedicated (quiet) time aside, in order to engage with it all.

If you want to see where your learning journey could take you, see our course list for the 2021-22 term.

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