Staff Spotlight - Charlie Collie

Staff Spotlight - Charlie Collie

Our Social and Vocational Studies department are a dedicated, qualified and specialist team with extensive experience teaching and supporting students who benefit from additional support for their learning. We caught up with SVS subject leader - Charlie Collie - to find out a bit more about him, and his job.

Tell us about yourself?

I’m Charlie Collie. I’m basically a Scone/Perth guy, having moved here from Islay when I was 7 years old! I spent a long time away in Edinburgh and Norfolk, but came back to Perth about 20 years ago. In 2008, I left Perth and Kinross Council to work at the College.

What is your role at Perth College UHI?

My role is Subject Leader for the Social and Vocational Studies Department. It’s my job to try and keep the department running smoothly, throughout the year. I don’t do it on my own though, I have a great staff team and great students too.

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What’s the best part of your job?

I bet everyone says the students…but it really is. It’s a real privilege to support our students through their College years. I think I learn more from them than they do from me!  However, I can’t lie, the holidays are good too!

What might people be surprised to know about you?

I have a degree in Engineering.

Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I try the tin whistle now and again. My family tell me that my playing is ‘interesting’...

Favourite type of food?

I like the edible kind – I’m easily pleased.

Favourite holiday destination, and why?

I love Islay. It has beautiful beaches and great whisky.

Where would you like to go, when it is safe to travel again?

Islay would do me.

Favourite book?

Hmm, maybe The Count of Monte Cristo. It was written in 1844, but it’s just a great story.

Have you been reading any good books?

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead is a stand out.

Favourite TV show or film?

I don’t have a favourite TV programme. In terms of films, I like all sorts apart from horror movies!

Have you been watching any good tv shows/films?

Like a lot of people, I’ve been watching a bit more TV than usual. It’s definitely comfort watching like Bake Off, Strictly and The Repair Shop!  I ended up watching Brief Encounter the other weekend, and was totally hooked. Great movie.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I think I changed my mind every week!

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?

I’ve been enjoying watching the squirrels on the campus. Squirrel man, would that work? Actually, it would be amazing to be able to fly like a bird.

First thing you would do if you won £1 million?

I think a wee Bunnahabhain (malt whisky) to help mull things over would be in order! Best not rush into things.

Who, or what, inspires you?

Mountains, beaches, the sea - and also many of our students.

How have you been looking after your mental health in the last year?

I’ve been very ‘mindful’ this year, and been thankful for what I have. 

Happiest memory?

Every time I’ve been swimming in the sea with my family.

And most embarrassing?

I once fell off my bike in the snow in front of the fire station and was unnecessarily ‘rescued’ by 3 firemen.

What else were you doing during the strange year of 2020, to keep busy?

Work has kept me busy, but I started doing sudoku and also learned Tam O’Shanter off by heart.

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