Student Spotlight - Nikola Skomska

Student Spotlight - Nikola Skomska

If you enjoy working with children and would like to make a difference to their formative years, our HNC Childhood Practice could be the ideal course for you. We caught up with current student, Nikola, to find out how her experience is going 👇

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Nikola Skomska, I am 18 years old and I’m from Poland. I have lived in Scotland for the past nine years now and I have studied full-time for four years at UHI Perth.

What course are you studying at UHI Perth, and what year are you currently in?

I’m currently in my 4th year at college studying HNC Childhood Practice fulltime, along with completing a 60-day placement. Before this, my first course was Passport to Childcare which I completed while still attending high school full-time. Then I progressed to a Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services Children and Young People that was also completed while still attending High School. This Apprenticeship had to be completed online due to Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown which was also one year of study. Then I have progressed onto NQ Social Services: Children and Young People, which also required a 30-day placement within a nursery setting.

How did you hear about UHI Perth?

Through an information leaflet at high school.

What were you doing before you came to UHI Perth?

I was going to Perth Grammar School.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I have always had the passion of working with children and this course gives the right skills, qualities and qualifications to work with children. It also provides me with the additional underpinning knowledge and experience that I can use in practice.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

Definitely the placement, it was hard and challenging to manage placement on top of the workload that comes in within the course however it’s an amazing opportunity to experience and gain knowledge and the right skills of working with children and young people. It’s a great way to see how the job works and progresses over a long period of time giving a heads-up of what it’s like to work with children and young people.

Has there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

Yes, because I had the amazing opportunity to have my placement for the entire year, I was able to get remarkably close with all the children within the class and get to know them. It was amazing to see how they grow and improve on their work gaining new skills over time.

What knowledge, skills and experience have you gained from your course that will help you when you leave UHI Perth?

  • Communication skills with children and adults

  • Placement experience in a primary setting

  • IT – during assessments such as using PowerPoint and word to make presentations, reports, and information leaflets; using axis for graphs, pie charts and line graphs; using Webex and Brightspace

  • Organisational skills

Have you undertaken a placement or work experience whilst at UHI Perth?

Yes, I have to complete a 60-day placement. This year, I had the amazing opportunity to be in a primary 2 class.

Have your lecturers been supportive during your studies?

Yes, this year the HNC was incredibly stressful from all the workload and academic writing however, all my lecturers provided me with lots of support and information. If I needed help or had any questions, they were always available - if not at college, they were able to support me through email.

One-to-one meetings were also available regarding questions about the course and specific modules - throughout the whole semester 1 and 2. This has always been the case since my first year at UHI, I would say that the support has not regressed but progressed extremely over the years, especially this year. During my Foundation Apprenticeship face-to-face communication was restricted, however my lecturers were great and always available to me.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

Advancing my academic writing. I never thought I could write long reports and use an academic style writing in my work because of English being my second language.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

A good range of different facilities that both students and the public can use that are relaxing, enjoyable and have a great price as well. I would definitely recommend getting a massage which was super simple to book and had amazing service.  

Have you enjoyed studying at UHI Perth? Any highlights?

Yes, I have even though there was a huge workload. It was very useful to have a quiet area and additional tables for groups of people which helped them to sit together as a class/ group to discuss assessments.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of your studies?

I love spending time with my family and friends.

What are your future career plans?

I plan to become a practitioner and move to a higher position in the future as a manager and opening my own Nursery for children and young people.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at UHI Perth?

Enjoy your time and do not stress as there's so many people to help you through your journey. Be passionate about your learning and plans! Set small goals at a time and meet your deadlines in time.

Applications are still open for our Childhood Practice course, so apply now and you could be starting with us this September.

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