Alumni Spotlight - Alessandro Atzori

Alumni Spotlight - Alessandro Atzori


I have always been passionate about aeroplanes and engineering, so I wanted to study a course that could give me the opportunity to apply the mathematical and engineering concepts to the aerospace sector.”

After finishing his degree in May, Alessandro chats to us about his experience studying in Scotland and shares the successes he has experienced along the way.

What is your name, and where are you from?

My name is Alessandro Atzori, and I’m from Sardinia, Italy.

What course are you studying at Perth College UHI, and what year are you currently in?

I completed the fourth and last year of Aircraft Engineering BEng (Hons) in May and I am graduating in October.

How did you hear about Perth College UHI?

During the completion of the last year of high school, I decided that I would have liked to carry out Higher Education Studies in Engineering abroad. I knew that many Engineering Companies have their business based in Scotland. I had also heard about Scotland’s beautiful landscapes and sceneries, as well as the friendliness and hospitality of Scottish people. I then started searching for Aircraft Engineering Courses in Scotland, through the UCAS network, and Perth College UHI was delivering a BEngH course.

What were you doing before you came to college?

Despite graduating in an Engineering course, my background is based on a completely different subject area. Before starting Aircraft Engineering in Perth, I obtained my High School Diploma in Italy. In my home country, students choose the High School depending on the subject area they would like to work on for the next five years. I had chosen to study in a Classical Lyceum, which is a secondary high school that focusses on the study of Latin and Ancient Greek. However, the curriculum included a wide range of subjects, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths. The Diploma obtained from this High School gave me the skillsets to study whichever Higher Education course I wanted to.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I have always been passionate about aeroplanes and engineering, so I wanted to study a course that could give me the opportunity to apply the mathematical and engineering concepts to the aerospace sector. Perth College UHI offered the solution that I was desiring: a Degree in Aircraft Engineering which included the study of a broad range of engineering subjects delivered by lecturers from the UK and abroad, along with a wide range of hands-on experience and opportunities.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

I really enjoyed the practical experience we had in the College’s Hangar, as part of the Aircraft Design and Performance Modules. The Hangar is equipped with two wind tunnels and a Flight Simulator, which accurately represents the cockpit of the Boeing 737-800, one of the most successful aircraft in the medium-haul transportation sector - part of many well-known airlines’ fleet, such as Ryanair, Jet2 and Southwest. The flight sim is a great tool to help us students gathering accurate flight data to process as part of our coursework, while the wind tunnel tests allow to compare experimental values with computational data.

Has there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

As the Covid restrictions started to be relaxed across the UK, the College offered us the opportunity to enhance our study experience by taking part in extracurricular activities. Last October, we were invited to attend the Boeing Innovation Forum at Glasgow Airport. While last December, we attended the Royal Aeronautical Society Conference on Alternative Propulsion Systems in London. Both events provided us with the unique opportunity to hear from the experts of the aviation industry who are leading the research on the decarbonisation and electrification of the air transport industry, as well as to network with different students and engineers from all over the UK.

What knowledge, skills and experience have you gained from your course that will help you when you leave Perth College UHI?

During my four-year experience at Perth College UHI, I had the opportunity to develop the fundamental skills that are required to start a career in the engineering industry. Every module’s coursework includes a report to write. Technical report writing is a valuable skill both in academia and industry, and it helps preparing you for the final project write-up as well. Aircraft Engineering also involves working with several computer programs. I had the opportunity to use AutoCAD, CATIA V5, Ansys and Star CCM+, which are widely used by leading engineering companies, such as Boeing, Airbus and Safran. On the other hand, I have been able to develop a wide range of soft skills as well. Part of the assessments consists of presentations. This is a great opportunity to develop communication skills, including how to speak to an audience and to manage the time available. During Year 3, I also covered the role of Class Rep - which was a great opportunity to strengthen the relationships between my course mates and the staff, as well as to improve the learning experience, greatly impacted at that time by the lockdown.

During the pandemic, how did the style of teaching change? Were your lecturers supportive during this time?

The COVID-19 Pandemic greatly affected our lifestyle, as well as our study experience. The UHI already had a good IT infrastructure in place since part of the modules were delivered remotely. Therefore, when the pandemic hit in March 2020, there was a smooth transition from face-to-face to fully online teaching, with no disruption. Despite the unpredictable and unprecedented situation, we received full support from our lecturers, who have always been flexible and happy to give us a hand, even by scheduling extra meetings (either one-to-one or group ones) when necessary. The way we were assessed changed as well; most of the exams were replaced by additional coursework’s or open-book exams, in line with the requirements set by the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

During the second Semester of the current Academic Session, I was shortlisted as one of the Herald Higher Education Awards finalists in the category of “Outstanding Contribution from a University Student”. I feel really excited about that, because it means that the skills that I have developed and applied over the last four years have been recognised and appreciated.

What do you like about the campus/facilities?

I believe that practicing sport helps both your mental health and to cope with your work. I really enjoyed the Academy of Sport and Wellbeing’s facilities. The building is part of Perth College UHI’s campus, and it is also home to the ASW’s gym. This is a great place to do some workouts before or after classes.

Have you enjoyed studying at Perth College UHI? Any highlights?

I really enjoyed my time at Perth College UHI, and it represented a milestone in my life, not just for the decision of studying for a degree and living abroad, but for the study experience I had. The small class size makes you feel part of the course of study and enhances the interaction between students and staff. I particularly enjoyed the project activity that I carried out as part of the final year dissertation. The project was on the dispersion of fuel gas in gas turbine enclosures, and it was industry-oriented, since the tasks I worked on are similar to those carried out by aerodynamic and fluid mechanics engineers. My Project Supervisor, Dr. Allan Thompson, was really supportive and helped me to get the most out of the project experience.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

I love to practice outdoor activities whenever I can, weather permitting! Every evening I jog along Perth and the surrounding areas. What I love about this city is that you are surrounded by parks and woodlands (such as Kinnoull and Moncreiffe) which are just footsteps away from the city centre. Perth is also known as the gateway to the Highlands. If you have a car, it doesn’t take too much time to get to the Tay Forest Park and enjoy breath-taking sceneries and landscapes.

What are your future career plans?

I have been offered a place to study an MSc course in Aerospace Vehicle Design at Cranfield University, in England. I am really excited about commencing this new experience, as I will have the opportunity to further enhance my knowledge on a study area which I am really passionate about, which is aircraft design. My plan is to successfully complete this intensive, 12-month course (which also includes a group project and an individual dissertation) in order to obtain the skills required to work as an engineer in the Aviation Industry.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at Perth College UHI?

The advice that I would like to give is to make the best use of the resources that the College has to offer you. The class size is usually smaller compared to other universities, which gives you the privilege of being constantly and fully supported by the College staff. However, I would also like to point out that eventually it is up to the student to successfully complete the study course. If the lecturers see the commitment, dedication, and the effort you put, they will be more than happy to support you to achieve your goals.

Applications are still open for courses starting this SEPTEMBER, so #ApplyNow and find your future at Perth College UHI.

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