Graduation 2022 🎓

Graduation 2022 🎓

This year’s graduation ceremony, held at the Perth Concert Hall on Thursday 6 October, saw nearly 400 graduates presented with their degrees, diplomas, certificates, and awards. ❤️

“It was a particularly important event this year as this was the first face to face ceremony, we have been able to have since 2019, and we welcomed graduates from the last three years. Our graduates all studied during one of the most difficult periods in our history, none of us could have prepared for a pandemic and they all rose to the challenges that this presented. Everyone has been challenged in different ways, making their achievements all the more special.” – Dr Margaret Cook, Principal and Chief Executive of Perth College UHI

Our graduates had an amazing day! 🎓

Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal and Chancellor of University of the Highlands and Islands shared her thoughts:

“I hope your time with us has been positive, and that you have achieved the goals you set yourself, however and wherever you have studied across our partnership. I have had the opportunity to meet many of you during one of my visits to the university’s colleges and research centres. I value these occasions as I hear about your plans and aspirations as well as the many challenges some of you have faced on your journey so far.

“This is an exciting time for graduates as you go on to work, travel and develop both here in your own home area, or perhaps further afield. As an alumni of the University of the Highlands and Islands, you should be proud of the pioneering educational partnership you have helped to form. Please keep in touch with the university.

“Look forward with confidence, knowing that we are all supporting you and wishing you well.”

Omar Nomoko was our Student of the Year

Omar started on the New Skills course barely speaking English as an unaccompanied asylum seeker. He has never had any formal schooling so could not read and write in his first language and other than a mobile phone could not use ICT.

Due to Omar’s hard work, enthusiasm, and desire to learn he was able to complete all units in semester one at level 3 and even completed level 4 ICT and in Semester 2 completed all modules to pass the course including the expedition for his Duke of Edinburgh Award.

His lecturer Caroline added:

"Omar is one of the friendliest optimistic students I have had the privilege to teach - he gets on with everyone - peers and staff. He has taken part fully in all activities practical and academic and thoroughly deserved to pass his course.

"Omar applied and has been accepted for a subject specific course next session which he is keen to get on to improve his employability and ability to provide for himself. He is an inspiration to all."

Kaytie Black was our Alumnus of the Year

After a difficult period in her life, Kaytie turned to art as her own form of therapy. After graduating with a First-Class Honours degree, she shared her inspiring story:

“I studied Art and Contemporary Practices, starting from HNC all the way to graduating with a First-Class BA Honours. I decided to pick this course as I have always had a love for art, as it is my own kind of therapy. After the death of my sister in 2013, I found art was a way of helping myself to express in a way without having to speak about it. Not only did it help me to deal with the loss of Megan, but it allowed me to create artwork in which people could also relate to.

“Since graduating, I have successfully obtained a job at Perth and Kinross Council doing Art for Therapy with young people coming out of the care system. This is genuinely the perfect job, and I am so lucky to have secured this.”

Kirsty Turkington won the Student Research of the Year Award and The Stewart Fraser Dissertation Prize

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Social Sciences (First)

Kirsty’s dissertation explored rates of Term Time Employment (TTE) in a Scottish post 1992 institution. By the use of a quantitative survey, the initial aim of this research was to uncover how many students are working, who is working, and how many hours they spend in TTE each week. Additionally, it explored students’ perceptions of TTE and examined if this is influenced by the number of hours they work or factors such as their gender, age, and socioeconomic status.

Her dissertation provides the foundation to further understand the reduction in student participation in the wider student experience and what the College can do to help this group of students feel more engaged with their studies.

Despite facing a number of personal challenges, she is an excellent student who has grown in strength as she has progressed through her studies through to her final year. She has also excelled in the quality of work she produces, and her data analysis was excellent, and beyond fourth-year level.

Icelandic students travelled to Perth

A number of students graduating from UHI’s partnership with the University of Akureyri in Iceland travelled to Scotland for the Graduation Ceremony. They studied the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) online and this was their first visit to Perth.

Agla Hauksdottir is from a small town in the East coast of Iceland, and she works in a bank alongside studying for her the MBA (Executive) course. She explained: “I saw this course at UHI advertised through an Icelandic university and knew that this was the opportunity I had been waiting for. I’ve enjoyed how it’s challenged me to develop as a leader and a person with the emphasis on being ethical and responsible. I felt a great sense of achievement working, studying, raising four children, and adding a fifth one while studying!”

Rakel Yr Sigurdardottir, from Gardabaer in Iceland enjoyed getting to know her own strengths and learning to balance studying real cases and theory within her MBA (Executive) qualification. After finishing her maternity leave, she plans to get a job in project management. Looking forward to attending the graduation in person, she said: "When studying online, you can feel distant from the University, so going to the graduation confirms that I'm a part of something bigger! I'm excited to go and get the acknowledgment of the work I have been doing for the last months. It also gives me the opportunity to get to know my fellow students better than just through the computer."

Sandra Maria Olafsdottir, from Reykanesbaer in Iceland completed her MBA (Aviation), having worked in Aviation for the past ten years. She liked how the modules were different but interesting and helpful for her career. She explained: “I only studied during the pandemic, and it was all online. It worked for me as I am located in Iceland. The day I sent in my final assessment, the master research project, I couldn´t believe it was over as I felt like I had only started! I have learned a lot and many things that will be useful in my daily life in aviation and in my management role. I have already recommended the program to few colleagues, and I hope that they will enjoy it as much as I have.”

Euan Black, UHI’s Subject Network Leader for Business, Management and Leisure added: “It is fantastic to see these students graduate. It has not been the easiest of times globally, but many students have taken opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills during the pandemic. Our flexible and supportive approach to learning is ideally suited to supporting students studying online. The students have worked hard in generating learning, innovative research, and value for their businesses as they develop their professional careers.”

We streamed the full ceremony live on YouTube

Our traditional procession walked through Perth City Centre

We captured the whole day, to remember for years to come!

And finally…we wished you good luck for the future!

“I would like to join with my colleagues on our Board of Management, our senior team, and all of the staff across the college, in congratulating you on your achievements and wish you well for the future. We will always be here for you if you wish to continue your education in the future.” Dr Margaret Cook, Principal and Chief Executive of Perth College UHI

If you would like to study with us in 2023, come along to our Open Day on Saturday 29 October to find out more.

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