Student Spotlight - Helena Křivánková

Student Spotlight - Helena Křivánková

The creative sector in Scotland employs around 70,000 people, in approximately 15,000 businesses. In addition to a large number of freelancers and students studying creative courses, together they make an important contribution to national wealth and international reputation.

Our courses provide a springboard to employment within this creative and diverse sector. Inspired by the opportunities on offer, Helena decided to pursue her passion for music at Perth College UHI. We had a chat with her, to find out a bit more about her journey.

What is your name, and where are you from?

Helena Křivánková, and I am from the Czech Republic.

What course are you studying at Perth College UHI, and what year are you currently in?

BA (Hons) Music Business, and I am currently in my 2nd year.

What were you doing before you came to college?

Before I came to Perth College UHI, I studied Interior and Environmental Design at the University of Dundee. The IED course did not suit my interests - so I chose to pursue a career much closer to my passion for music, here at Perth College UHI.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

I’ve always had a strong passion for singing and piano. I’ve always been interested in marketing and organising events, as well, therefore applying to a music course solely focused on an instrument or vocals did not seem like a good option. I chose Music Business, as it is a perfect mix between marketing; working with artists; event organising; and with a second-study instrument choice, it gave a perfect mix of subjects to enjoy. It also gives me variety of options for a sustainable career in music, which is what I enjoy the most.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

The course is very real-world practical projects oriented. In first year, most of our coursework included real experiences - with real musicians - such as managing an artist, releasing a record, and putting on a gig. These are all things I would have hesitated to do in my free time, but this course made me step out of my comfort zone and pursue possible career opportunities.

Are the on-campus music facilities good?

Unfortunately, I did not get to use the studio, the theatre or rehearsal rooms because of the pandemic - but once we are on campus, I plan to use the studio. I have only used the general classrooms - which are great - however, I cannot wait to work on albums for the artists I am managing in the recording studio. It looks very professional, and the rehearsal rooms are very cosy too. The facilities on campus were partially the reason I wanted to enrol at Perth College UHI. Equipment and studio time can be very expensive, but as Music Business students we are able to use these facilities for free - as well as borrow any equipment that is needed.

During the pandemic, how did the style of teaching change? Were your lecturers supportive during this time?

The pandemic did have a negative effect on the learning experience, mainly because most of the practical side of things was close to impossible to carry out. This is nobody’s fault, it is just the situation we all found ourselves in. In terms of lectures, they were all moved online and practical projects had to be carried out to comply with the Covid-19 safety guidelines. For me, it meant recording a single at home (I did have the opportunity to borrow equipment from college, but I did not make use of this offer) and online singing classes. The other classes were all lecture-based, and they were carried out over WebEx - with no negative effect on their quality. All of our lecturers were always prompt to reply to any questions via email or WebEx.

Has there been any stand out/memorable moments from your course?

There have been a couple. I really enjoyed the field trips and seminars in the first year - especially the visit to SSE Glasgow, as well as multiple Scottish Music Industry Association (SMIA) workshops. Furthermore, I am very glad to have received the student development fund to aid me on my trip to Los Angeles for a PRS for Music (music rights organisation) conference. It all got cancelled due to Covid-19, but I am hoping to carry out this experience once things start going back to normal.

Any other achievements you have gained on your journey?

I lead a Slovak independent artist Peso1M (Vizia) through his debut EP release. I developed my vocal skills and recorded my first single, Helshka prod. PNCZ Emerald Isle (it is only available on Soundcloud, the mixed and mastered version is yet to be released on streaming platforms).

Also, through the practical classes, I found my way to digital artwork - which I had no clue I was capable of, and have since drawn and released two album covers.

Do you have any examples of your coursework, that you would like to share?

What else do you like about the campus?

I love that the campus is so connected to nature, one really feels like they are in a forest. I love to feel like I am around nature when learning, because it helps me focus. Furthermore, I really enjoy that there are at least three cafes to choose from - depending on which building you are in.

Have you enjoyed studying at Perth College UHI?

Yes, it’s been great. I cannot wait to get back on campus, once the situation with Covid improves.

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of college?

As mentioned - I play the piano, sing, and draw. Apart from that, I love exploring new places; hiking; and geocaching. I also make short travel videos, from my adventures in Scotland.

What are your plans, for after you finish your course?

My plan is to continue studying for a master’s degree - in Edinburgh or London - either in Artist Management, or Marketing. I also plan to continue with my projects, such as: managing artists, and Helshka Records and Management - which is a company idea I am working on.

Interested in finding out a bit more about our Music Business courses? 📹Watch a Q&A video with lecturer, Rik Smernicki

Applications are open for September 2021, and places are filling up fast, so #ApplyNow and #FindYourFutureHere ➡️

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