Alumni Spotlight - Jakki Jackson

Alumni Spotlight - Jakki Jackson

“It’s never too late, you are never too old - just go for it and enjoy it! Times get tough, but support is always there and the reward at the end is choosing your own career path…”

Having always had an interest in Science, Jakki joined Perth College UHI on a Gateway course six years ago. After successfully graduating with a degree in 2021, she chats to us about her journey to get there.

Introduce yourself

My name is Jakki Jackson. I’m 41 years old and I live in Perth with my long- term partner and three children.

What course did you study at Perth College UHI?

I started my studies at Perth College UHI six years ago, entering onto the gateway course before joining the Access course to gain Highers, which then allowed me on to the degree course.  I joined the BSc (Hons) Environmental Science course in 2017 and graduated in 2021 with a first-class Honours.

How did you hear about Perth College UHI?

I have always known about Perth College UHI as I have always lived in Perth.

What were you doing before you came to Perth College UHI?

Before joining Perth College UHI, I was in the hospitality business for ten years and I continued on a part-time basis throughout my studies.

Why did you decide to pick this course?

Science has always been a big interest of mine, so there was never any doubt about what I would study. However, during the Access course - where I studied a number of different sciences - was when I decided to focus on Environmental Science, and I applied to join onto the degree.

What was your favourite thing about the course?

I loved everything about the course – field trips, lab experiments, meeting new people!

Were there any standout/memorable moments from your course?

The field trips stand out for me, they are structured for you to learn and experience field work, but are also very fun and enjoyable!

What knowledge, skills and experience did you gain from your course that have helped you since leaving Perth College UHI?

The work placement put me in touch with a number of people within various Environmental industries, giving me a great insight to the different career paths available. Field trips were particularly effective in gaining hands-on experience skills.

What did you think about the styles of teaching, and the support you received from staff?

During the degree course, all teaching was on video link. I was quite worried about this style of teaching, but soon realised its very effective and flexible as can be joined from home. Support was always available via email if needed.

Did you undertake a placement or work experience whilst at Perth College UHI?

My work experience module was during lockdown, but there were other options available to fit in the module. I hosted a mini-conference for students during one of our classes. The conference included speakers from within the industry giving small presentations on their work.  The aim was to give the students an insight into career options and/or work placements.

What did you like about the campus?

The campus is easy to get around, it’s not that big and the main areas such as the library and canteen are very central and open in the evenings. This was quite important for me as I often studied in the library at night.

What have you been up to since graduation? Are you currently employed?

Since graduating, I have continued to work in hospitality. As it is a busy time, I am working lots of hours. However, after Christmas, my focus will be to apply for jobs within the Environmental industry.

Do you feel your studies have helped you with your career?

My studies have positively impacted my life.  I am more environmentally friendly, and I apply my knowledge in work and also in my daughter’s gymnastics club where I have encouraged re-use and recycling.

What are your future career plans?

In the future, I want to have more of a contribution to fighting climate change!

What advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at Perth College UHI?

My advice to someone thinking about studying at Perth College UHI would be ‘go for it’. It’s never too late, you are never too old - just go for it and enjoy it!  Times get tough, but support is always there and the reward at the end is choosing your own career path!

If you are passionate about understanding the processes that shape our natural environment, and keen to develop the scientific and analytical skills required to work as an environmental scientist, then our BSc (Hons) Environmental Science degree is exactly what you are looking for. 

You won’t find a better classroom in which to study. We have, undeniably, one of the world’s best ‘living laboratories’, in the spectacular natural habitats of Scotland.

See our full list of courses available for a 2022 start >>

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