Meet some of our Music Business Students

Meet some of our Music Business Students

If you’ve been thinking about studying Music Business - but wanted to hear first-hand what the Perth College UHI experience is like - then continue reading to meet three of our students.

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Kaia Garrity – Music Business Graduate 2018/19

Why did you choose to study at Perth College UHI, and have there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

I chose to study at Perth College UHI for a few reasons. Firstly, I had come to visit Scotland a few years prior to applying and I fell in love with it. I knew that it was a place that I wanted to live, even if it was only temporary.  Then when it came time to look for a university, I couldn’t find many music business courses that fitted my wants and needs. So, when I found Perth College UHI’s Music Business course and read the information about the course that was on the website, I knew it was a perfect fit.

Did you enjoy studying at Perth College UHI?

I really enjoyed my time at Perth College UHI, and had many memorable experiences in my course. Some of the most memorable experiences though, were the friendships I made and the projects we did in our course.

What is a typical day at college like? (pre COVID-19)

A typical day at the college for me, was usually a combination of lectures, projects and studying. I was always able to be the most productive at the college because I was able to ask my lecturers the questions I needed answered, and talk to all of my peers about the assignments/projects that we had together.

What is the best part of your day and what do you like about campus?

My favourite parts of campus are the greenery and the view.

Who, or what, inspires you?

There are a lot of people and things that inspire me. I want to be in the music and film industries, so a lot of my inspiration comes from there. However, from a young age, my idols were mostly film composers: Hans Zimmer, Thomas Newman, Patrick Doyle etc.

How have you been looking after your mental health during lockdown?

It’s been a little difficult dealing with having to stay inside for a majority of the time, especially because I live alone - but it’s getting a little better now. I’ve just been trying to stay busy and focus on the time that I have to do things that I enjoy.

Where would you like to go when lockdown is over and it is safe to travel again?

Wow, there are so many places I’d like to visit. I think one of my top choices at the moment though is Tokyo.

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?

For super power, I think it would be teleportation - especially due to the time.

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Lewis Forrest – BA4 Music Business student

Why did you choose to study at Perth College UHI?

I decided to study at Perth College UHI, after doing an event management course in Aberdeen for a year. I found it wasn’t comprehensive enough for me, and was more catered towards the hospitality industry. Perth College UHI was the better choice - as it’s the only university in Scotland that offers a full degree-level music business program.

Have there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

Memorable moments, would probably be putting on my own live events as part of the course and going to Germany with some of the class for a music business trip.

Did you enjoy studying at Perth College UHI?

I did enjoy studying at Perth College UHI. It was extremely tasking for me at times, but I’m glad I got through it - and overall it was a positive experience. The lecturers are good at helping you when you’re struggling.

What was a typical day at college like? (pre COVID-19)

I enjoyed going to the lecturers at the start of a module, it was interesting to learn new concepts.

What did you like about the campus?

I wasn’t at the campus too much, as we were only in for a couple of hours a week. The breakfasts were pretty good, haha!

Who, or what, inspires you?

Umm, I’d say probably Bob Dylan. His music has always been a driving force and reference point for me. I found something in his music that I’d never get before. He’s a figure, that I look up to massively. His influence on music and popular culture is next to none.

How have you been looking after your mental health during lockdown?

I’ve received treatment for mental health difficulties since my mid-teens. So, it hasn’t been as much of a knockout for me as it has been for other people. I do things like going for walks, watching television, playing guitar and catching up with friends over FaceTime. I’m pretty mindful of my mental health because of past treatment. So, I’ve got a lot of different healthy coping mechanisms at my disposal.

Where would you like to go when lockdown is over and it is safe to travel again?

I miss being able to see certain people, and do things like go for a coffee or a swim. I really miss going to Glasgow and London. The lockdown has given me time to re-evaluate a lot of things, and has helped me see what is more important. I’ve discovered who my true friends are through this too.

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?

Umm, I really like the Jedi in Star Wars. It would be pretty handy to be able to sue the force, and a lightsabre is definitely the coolest weapon in science fiction. I also like Marvel’s Iron Man a lot too. His suits and technology are great to watch, and he’s one of the more realistic superheroes’ too.

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John Huskie – BA2 Music Business student

Why did you choose to study at Perth College UHI?

I chose to study at Perth College UHI, as it had the ideal course for myself and anyone looking to work in the music industry.

Have there been any standout/memorable moments from your course?

There have been quite a few stand out moments from studying here - my top two would be being given the opportunity to work at the Scottish Album of The Year Awards, and spending a week in Germany for the International Music Business Week in February.

Did you enjoy studying at Perth College UHI?

I do, I don’t think there’s anywhere else I’d rather study

What is a typical day at college like? (pre COVID-19)

I travel to college via train, and walk to the campus with friends. We’re lucky that campus isn’t far from Perth High Street, so after class we normally pop out for lunch.

What do you like about campus?

The Costa on campus is a blessing in disguise - student priced tea/coffee has saved me too many times!

Who, or what, inspires you?

I think my biggest inspiration comes from seeing music business companies around the world like Beatnik Creative and Scruff of The Neck, work so well. The work they do for such amazing artists, shows that you can work independently at a high level and it really inspires me to keep pushing

How have you been looking after your mental health during lockdown?

It’s been tough, but I’ve just tried to keep myself as busy as possible and go on walks at every chance. It helps a lot to get out the house, even if it just for a short walk around your local park.

Where would you like to go when lockdown is over and it is safe to travel again?

I’m dying to visit the Netherlands, I have some friends that I met via the Music Business course that I’m planning on going over to visit, and hopefully run a tour while we’re there as well!

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?

Something to do with telekinesis I think. Life would be a lot easier if we could just move things with our minds - who needs hands?!

Find out more about our Music Business department here. Applications are now open for the new 2020 academic term - find a course to suit you, and #applynow!

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