Department Focus: Hairdressing
For this month’s department focus, we caught up with the talented hairdressing team at Perth College UHI to learn more about the students, find out what goes on in their end of year show and discover what is on offer in the college salon: ‘The Retreat’.
Students show of work
Our students on the Level 3 Hairdressing course delivered a vibrant end of term show to fellow students, family members and salon clients. Putting on the event allows the students to showcase a combination of all the creative skills and techniques that they have learned over the past two years to create beautiful ‘avant-garde’ images.
Using their imagination, the students worked with cross college departments such as Beauty Therapy and Wellbeing to complete an entire look – including clothes, make-up and photographs. This allowed the students to gain an understanding of the planning, timescale and evaluation needed to put on a successful event.
Brenda Marshall, Hairdressing Lecturer, said:
“The enthusiasm in the salon was infectious the day of the hairdressing end of term show! It was fantastic to see the students in self-directed learning which has enhanced their experience. It was a great pleasure to measure the student’s growth and achievement in working collaboratively to showcase their work.”
The Retreat
Based in the Academy of Sport and Wellbeing, The Retreat offers a fully equipped commercial hair salon that is open to both students and the public, Monday to Friday during term time. The students are supervised by qualified and professional teaching staff, so clients can be rest assured their treatment will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism. And whilst you will benefit from feeling pampered and refreshed, the students will get the invaluable practical experience essential for their further progression and training - so it’s a win-win for all.
The salon allows the students to gain an awareness of working in the hairdressing industry and be fully aware of industry standards and client’s needs. Our courses cover all aspects of technical hairdressing skills, and also focus on employability and communication skills – providing our students with the right balance of knowledge and abilities to take on a wide range of hairdressing roles.
Our students learn by working with real clients and The Retreat usually charges much less than salons on the High Street. Call 01738 877634, or email to make an appointment.
“Before coming to Perth College UHI, I had been to College twice before, but worked in various jobs. I have always been interested in cars, but never thought I could go anywhere with it. The hairdressing course was insightful and very hands on showing all the different aspects I would be facing in the workplace. The tutors have been very caring, friendly and supportive.”