A day in the life of a Humanities and Social Sciences Student

A day in the life of a Humanities and Social Sciences Student

What’s a typical day like for you?
Usually, breakfast in the canteen is a must - sets me up for the day! This term, the classes are on Monday and Tuesday, so after class, friends and I go for coffee to catch up on the weekend’s events. Then, it’s off to the library to either read for the next class or continue with assignment work, until class.  I plan at the start of the week what needs done, by when, and when to get it done by. This makes it easier for me to keep on track if I can visualise my goals.

What is your favourite thing about the course?
I like the way the course is structured with mostly self-study, this means that I can take things at my own speed, chose my own work for the week and how much time I spend on which subjects. 


What is the best part of your day?
I like getting the college bus home as it takes me straight from Perth College UHI practically to my front door, this gives me time to unwind before the chores. Apart from that, I enjoy the lecture time and the chance to engage with others on the topics we are learning about.

Have you enjoyed studying at Perth College UHI?
Yes it’s been a great experience so far because as a mature student, I was a bit apprehensive about returning to education, but it's been really easy to get back into the way of it, and I think that must be partly due to the lecturers and the style of teaching.

If you’re thinking of studying here, I would recommend a visit to campus, and Perth, to see if it’s the place for you.

What do you like about the campus?
The campus is in a beautiful spot so it's a nice place to study. The gym facilities are a welcome addition and not expensive for students. And, it's fantastic that we can now use resuable cups in the Costa coffee shops.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of studying at Perth College UHI?
I would recommend Perth College UHI as a relaxed place to study. If you’re thinking of studying here, I would recommend a visit to campus, and Perth, to see if it’s the place for you.

Do you have any other interests or hobbies?
I enjoy being out and about with my dog, Henry, or friends. The countryside around here is stunning.  I also enjoy travelling and going to gigs. I have recently learnt to swim and am really getting into it, although I’m not very good yet - you are never too old to learn!

Perth College UHI on Tour – Amsterdam 2019

Perth College UHI on Tour – Amsterdam 2019

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